Tuesday, September 2, 2008

Portland Street Medics arrested at Republican National Convention

Please do what you can to help the Portland street medics, my heroes at the Democratic National Convention, who worked long hours treating the injured, sometimes not even coming home at night, back to the home where we all stayed at night -- Brenda Norrell
Minneapolis-St. Paul RNC
A number of Street Medics http://portland-or.net/street-medics/from Portland were arrested on Monday afternoon (Sep 1st) while tending to injured protesters. All of them belong to one affinity group which has been participating in the actions as a unit of Street Medics acting together.
About half were released by evening, while a few individuals among them are still being held. They have been singled out for "special procedures". Legal support and lawyers are trying to help out with their case as it seems to be a unique situation wherein the Street Medics might be charged with unusual (and outrageous) offenses.
If you have any funds to help with bail money and related expenses for the Street Medics, please email us at this address: street.medix@portland-or.net
Everything you give will go toward enabling us to continue doing much needed Movement work and providing essential community service.
Denver DNC
Street Medics from Portland constituted about one third of the total numbers of Street Medics at Denver during the week of activities there. Added to Street Medics from Olympia and Seattle, WA, our Medics from the NW constituted about one half of all the Street Medics in Denver. At the end of the week some of us continued on to Minneapolis-St. Paul while others returned to Portland.
During the week of protests in Denver we treated hundreds of injured people and took into our care an unexpected number of activists with additional health concerns, both related and unrelated to the events, plus tended to people with various illnesses as well as some difficult cases with chronic conditions.
We treated injuries from pepper bullets, pepperspray, beatings, strangleholds, clubbing, cuts, scrapes, bruises, handcuff injuries, exhaustion, dehydration, heat illness, exposure to the elements, asthma attacks, psychological emergencies, and some serious medical emergencies.
None of us were hurt or arrested, though most of us experienced the direct threat of both, frequently. A few of us sustained minor injuries from pepperspray, pulled muscles, sprains, and suffered exhaustion. Some of our Street Medics were temporarily detained by Police during raids and events on the streets but all in all most of those tense situations were resolved well.
We will issue another communique when we have more information to share with you.
Many thanks for your love and support for our work, and also for your letters and phonecalls with concern and care - it's your support that enables us to continue.
Portland Street Medicshttp://portland-or.net/street-medics/

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