Wednesday, September 17, 2008

Tohono O'odham water stations removed:'Crime against humanity'

NewsHour: Mike Wilson, Tohono O'odham, said the act of removing three of his water stations was a crime against humanity
On Aug. 31, Tohono O'odham tribal members Mike Wilson and David Garcia were ordered by tribal official Veronica Harvey to take down water stations for migrants passing through Tohono O'odham reservation on the Arizona-Mexico border.
The pair of humanitarian aid workers refused. But when they returned to the border area days later, they found three of their water stations had been removed.
"It's unconscionable that the Tohono O'odham tribal council not only does absolutely nothing to prevent migrant deaths but are now confiscating my water stations," said Wilson. "That's the situation that I'm in."
-- By Tristan Ahtone, National Minority Consortia
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