Monday, April 13, 2009

Spring cleaning

We all got an email at the end of last week from the newsroom office manager, scolding us for piles of paper that have accumulated in places they shouldn't, according to the fire marshal. If you work in an office, you know how it can pile up on top of shelves, against window sills, under desks, etc.

Well, for some of us anyway...

Mondays are my lightest day at work, so I'll spend some time cleaning up my area. Don't know about the rest of you, but I tend to be a pack rat. While that's good in some respects -- you never know when something you've saved will come in handy -- it's also obviously inefficient.

A long time ago I figured why I do it. I'm one of those who remembers things -- where something is, what's on it, how important it is -- if they are in plain sight. If it's in a file in a drawer, I'm more likely to forget it's there. Hardly a good thing if you're into a pristine work area. I'm not.

Not that I'm aiming to win the messiest desk award. I can recall former co-workers who've built haystacks of paper on their desks, including one person who, when she retired, discovered a fuzzy blue-green sphere that earlier in its life was an apple or an orange. I'm not that bad. Or, at least, I don't think so. Guess I'd better run a fruit and vegetable check while I'm tossing unneeded paper into the recycling bins today...

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