Tuesday, April 21, 2009

What's on your iPod?

It's a treat for the senses when I remove the earbuds and let nature take over when I'm on a running trail. The swaying of wind-blown trees, the crunch of leaves underfoot, the splish-splashing through puddles, the chirping of songbirds -- it's all good.

But when I'm in the city, I'm tuned in to music. Family members accuse me of having narrow tastes. But I honestly think they're pretty eclectic. During my run today, these were among the artists who shuffled through:

Adele, Alicia Keys, Joan Osborne, Hall and Oates, Los Lobos, Alison Krauss, Kathleen Edwards, Mark Knopfler and Emmylou Harris.

Does that seem narrow?

What's on your playlist? Leave a comment below...

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