Wednesday, June 3, 2009

"War is hell" (part 2)

For those of you who read yesterday's entry, there's more...

The soldier who, under the screen name of stalker15a, wrote that moving e-mail about his fallen buddies, sent a follow-up to my colleague Mike Francis, who once again has posted it on his Oregon at War blog.

Few things I've read have touched me as much as stalker15a's original account and, now, the follow-up, honoring his fellow infantryman.
"I appreciate the kind words from your readers and the opportunity to share with America what it is really like on the frontlines of a war..the objective unbiased account of an eyewitness..telling it like it is..without filter. The family has been notified and the DOD has published his name....This is my friend, my buddy, my trooper. His name is Thomas Edward Lee III and he was from Dalton, Georgia."
Why do I post this, when I have a son of my own, now in boot camp in Georgia and who, a few months from now, might find himself in the Middle East as well?

I suppose the answer lies in two things. One, I'll take truth and honesty over euphemism and obfuscation every time. It may be painful at times, but knowing how and why things go down is better than speculating. Two, if I'm going to blog, I'm going to share material that hopefully encourages you, as an occasional or regular reader, feel, think, consider and reflect on things that you might not otherwise. Isn't that one of the reasons we're here on Earth? To communicate?

If you'd rather not read about war and death and camaraderie, just skip down to the post below, touting the new blog by my friend, Pam.

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