Saturday, June 6, 2009

Quick Takes

My last few posts have been relatively long, so here's a little something to tip the scales in the other direction:

-- Just came in from a run up to Mt. Tabor, a dormant volcano in Southeast Portland. Been a long time since a run lasted a full hour or more. Took me 1 hour, 4 minutes up and back. Whew.
-- Planning continues for the Rede Reunion in early July. Going to make copies of a couple maps, stuff some envelopes and send them on their way.
-- The artists I've featured this week on the video bar all have one thing in common: Kathleen Edwards, Sarah McLachlan, Neil Young, Joni Mitchell. Can anyone guess?

By the way, I'm blown away that this 1970 performance by Joni was nearly forty years ago! Amazing.

Want to see more from that concert? Click here.

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