Tuesday, June 16, 2009

A modest milestone

With this entry, I've now posted 100 items on the Rough and Rede blog.

I feel pretty good about that, considering R&R launched on March 1. It means I've been, more or less, as diligent as I'd hoped. The early-morning routine -- writing rising early to write before work -- hasn't always held up, but I've managed to compensate by sometimes doubling up or, as I'm doing now, writing ahead during the evening.

If I were going back through with an eye toward deleting a few posts, there are certainly a few candidates that would pop to mind. But I won't worry about that.

Instead, I'll strive for more variety and a lighter tone. I'm well aware of my tendency to get all serious -- but, hopefully, not deadly dull either.

Now, if I only had a dollar for every one of these posts...

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