Friday, October 9, 2009

Deconstructing borders with a cello bow and a smile

By No More Deaths

TUCSON -- No More Deaths has recently entered into a very exciting collaborative project with avant-guard musician Glenn Weyant. Weyant plays border security infrastructure as string and percussion instruments in an effort to transform this divisive structure. He has recorded his border soundscapes and will produce a 2-disc set to benefit No More Deaths! You can learn more about this intriguing effort and receive fun goodies by participating in our effort to support the border humanitarian work of No More Deaths.
"In 2006, I (Glenn Weyant) set out to play the U.S./Mexico border wall with a cello bow and implements of mass percussion.
"At the time my intentions were simple: To transform this symbol of fear and loathing into an instrument capable of promoting unity, dialogue and compassion through sound and performance.
I called this work The Anta Project."
Read more:
Thank you,
No More Deaths

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