Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Hopi Rangers seize Navajo horses on Black Mesa

Navajos resisting relocation not allowed to retrieve their horses

BLACK MESA, Ariz. -- On Friday, November 6 Hopi rangers confiscated 2 large stock trailers of horses on Hopi Partitioned range unit 257. The horses belong to 2 HPL homesites and some Navajo Partitioned Lands residents. The HPL families went to Keams Canyon on Monday, November 9 and a family that had signed the accommodation agreement was allowed to buy back their horses; however they only had enough money to buy back half. The HPL family who is a non-signing family was not allowed to retrieve any of their horses.
The livestock are the families' livelihoods, their bank accounts, their retirement.... These horses in particular are an ancient ancestral line. They are more than just horses, they are a legacy that belongs to all of the residents family's children...
Legally, the residents are supposed to be notified and notices posted before any impoundments. These families did not receive any sort of warning.
The Hopi Rangers stated that they would be continuing livestock impoundments throughout the whole HPL.
Horse photo courtesy Best Horse Photos

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