Wednesday, November 4, 2009

Peltier 'Circle for Clemency' supporters arrive in DC

Live Streaming of the Tribal Conference
Beginning at 9 am Washington DC time.
Maybe we will get a glimpse of our friends at the Circle outside!;

By Circle for Clemency

Kwe' Everyone,
The People are arriving in Washington!
Rob Fife and Lakoda Robideau arrived earlier today, and have been busy finalizing plans and getting the word out on the streets of D.C.
Emails and phone calls were flying last night as arrangements were being made for rides and places to stay. People have been hopping planes, trains and NDN trucks to get to this important event.
We wish all safe travels.
For those of us unable to make the trip~
Many have said that they will be there in Spirit.
Let's make a commitment then, to really join our Brothers and Sisters in Spirit, as they prayer for Leonards freedom in Washington tomorrow.
The Circle will gather at 6AM D.C. Time, where they will take time to greet each other, and then unite in prayer, before moving on down the road to the DOI building at 8AM.
Sometime during those two hours, if we could all really take a moment to focus our thoughts, hearts and spirits towards our Brothers and Sisters who are there in body. Pray that the Tribal Leaders carry a message of clemency for Leonard Peltier directly to President Obama.
The Circle will continue in a prayerful attitude throughout the day ~ join in where ever you are, at any time that you can.
Closing prayers to bless the day, the Tribal Leaders, and all of our relations will commence at 5:30PM.
Some people have mentioned that they will burn a candle in their window for Leonard Peltier tomorrow.
Wear something RED in Solidarity, and talk to your friends, co-workers and family about why it is so important that Leonard Peltier be freed.
We are so grateful for everyone's support and efforts for our imprisoned relation Leonard Peltier.
In the Spirit of Crazy Horse~

The only real change to the itinerary is that we will be meeting at The Elipse Grounds South (not Lafayette Park)

Group contacts are Robert Fife who may be reached in Washingon on his cell at (919)475-1343 (919)475-1343

Thursday, Nov. 5, 2009: 6:00 AM
We will gather @ The Elipse grounds S.- SW quadrant @ 17th and C streets
We will set up our circle and join in Sunrise Prayers, individual prayers and socializing/greeting our Relations.

7:30 AM
Walk en masse to the Department of the Interior building (Approximately one block)

8:00 AM
Respectfully greet our tribal representatives as they arrive, welcoming them to the conference
Prayer/blessing for a successful meeting and that each of them carry in their agenda a request for clemency and Leonard's freedom.

We would ask that everyone attending in support of Leonard bring some kind of food/drink that can be shared throughout the day that we may nourish each other physically.

We would ask that everyone attending in support of Leonard carry with them their personal prayers and perhaps a personal sacred object that we may nourish each other spiritually.

We would ask that everyone attending in support of Leonard share information/conversation to educate not only our people but others who may be drawn to the event so that we may nourish each other mentally.

We anticipate several Indigenous artists/musicians, dancers, drummers and singers to be in attendance. It is hoped that they will share their gifts with The People throughout the day as the Spirit moves them.

In September, Ben Carnes and I came to Washington, DC, fasted for seven days and sent our humble, sometimes whispered prayers to The Creator that President Obama hear our pleas of clemency and justice for Leonard Peltier. We have faith that The Creator heard every word and today is our chance to take the next right step on the path that He has laid for us. In its essence, this Gathering is an opportunity to send many more humble and whispered prayers that they may become One Great Voice heard not only by The Creator but by All The Nations and all The People.

For all attending, this is a rare and beautiful opportunity to celebrate the joys of being Indigenous People and speaking the truth for our brother, Leonard Peltier.

5:30 PM
Closing prayers to bless the day, our tribal representatives and All Our Relations. These prayers shall be of solidarity, hope and gratitude that our voices have been heard and that our message of freedom for Leonard Peltier is carried in the hearts, words and deeds of our tribal representatives, President Obama and the United States government from this day forth.

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