Wednesday, December 9, 2009

Olivia finds a new home

What's that saying about one person's trash is another one's treasure?

It came to mind this morning as I was walking our dog around the block, following an early morning run in 17-degree weather. It had warmed up a single degree when we started down the street and I came upon this sight.

It was Olivia, the fashionably dressed, independent-minded piglet, also known as the storybook character created by Ian Falconer. I bought her for Lori to mark our mutual affection for the little oinker, who's always managing to annoy and exasperate her family with her sense of adventure and boundless imagination.

Well, Olivia got a little roughed up in the move to our new home and I set her out with the cardboard boxes and the garbage in preparation for our first curbside pickup this morning. So it was a mild surprise to see someone -- a neighbor? a passerby? -- had "rescued" Olivia and propped her up on a fence just a few doors down.

Made me feel good that someone saw a treasure in our trash. Nice to know Olivia will be hanging around the neighborhood in her bright red dress.

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