Friday, December 4, 2009

Settling in

We're nearing the end of our first week in our new place and the best way I can describe is this: Imagine stuffing a size 12 foot into a size 8 shoe. That's what it's been like to take possessions accumulated over 23 years' time and try to find a way to squeeze them into a substantially smaller living space.

I'm not saying we hauled over every last thing. But I am saying that it's taken most of this week to make decent headway on what is here. The garage, so appealing when it was empty prior to our move, is halfway full with boxes, crates, shelves, bicycles, camping gear, etc. Our living room still lacks a table. Garment boxes still take up too much in one of the bedrooms.

This weekend, much of that will change. I've planned a major assault on the garage. Not that everything will be sorted through, but at least things will be moved and stacked so there is a semblance of order. I will assemble the new dining room table. And I will lug the garment boxes to the garage.

You may be wondering why there's a photo of Mabel on this post. Well, animals take some time to adjust to new situations, cats especially. So it warmed my heart to get up yesterday morning and find Mabel on the window shelf of the guest bedroom, looking down through the glass into the courtyard. That showed me she's beginning to feel comfortable. (The photo was taken last night as she was perched on the living room sofa.)

I'll try not to write ad nauseam about our new place. But it is exciting, living in a place with so much natural light, becoming familiar with a new neighborhood, walking just a few blocks to the bus stop or restaurants, sleeping soundly because we no longer live with the white noise that came from being on a somewhat busy corner.

That new sound we hear? Silence.

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