Monday, September 20, 2010

Food, philanthropy and friends

I think I hit the trifecta this weekend.

Saturday night, we headed out into a winter-like downpour and dashed into Meriwether's for a fabulous dinner with our friends Erin and Beth. Beth and Lori share the same birthday and we knew we had best celebrate early because one or both of us is going to be out of town for the next five weekends. Fabulous meal -- truly one of the best I've had in the past year or so -- and great conversation .

Sunday morning, we went downtown and met our friends Colleen and Ryeder at a fund-raising brunch to benefit p:ear,  a nonprofit that assists homeless youth, in part through a barista training program. The acronym stands for Project: Education, Arts, Recreation, which reflects the staff's philosophy that on any given day, a youth may be more in need of one those areas than the others. On Sunday, the focus was on all the skills, discipline and attention to exacting details that make for a good barista.

Last fall, Larry Bingham of The Oregonian wrote a feature story about the program and Beth Nakamura shot a video.

Barista training helps homeless youth

Monday, to cap things off, I met my buddy Tom for nine holes of golf and lunch at Colwood National, out near the Portland airport. The skies were cloudy, but it stayed dry and even warmed up a bit as the morning went on. Tom started off with a par 4 and proceeded to kick my butt. I may get a chance to redeem myself in another week. Lori and I will visit Tom and Elsa, our good friends since college, at their beach cabin near Pacific City. If the weather cooperates, we'll try to sneak in nine holes at Neskowin.

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