Thursday, September 30, 2010


Yesterday morning I got off the bus downtown, across from City Hall, and walked into Seattle's Best for my usual no-frills drink. The following conversation ensued:

Cashier, sporting wire-rimmed glasses and waist-length Rasta braids: Good morning. Can I help you?
Me: Yes. A small cup of coffee, please.
Cashier: Awesome. Room for cream?
Me: Yes, please.
Cashier: Awesome.

[Cashier fills the cup, brings it back to the counter.]
Cashier: That enough? Want more coffee in it?
Me: That's fine, thanks.
Cashier: Awesome. Great. Want your receipt for a refill?
Me: No, thanks.
Cashier: Awesome. Have a great day.

OK, I can appreciate courtesy and enthusiasm but when did the ordering of a cup of coffee come along with a serving of mindless superlatives?

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