Monday, September 13, 2010

Four hundred posts!

Yesterday's post was No. 400 since I gave birth to the Rough and Rede blog. Yes, I know that's a weird image for a guy. (What's better? Launched? Started? Debuted?)

In any case, it's a lazy Monday afternoon and I want to put a notch in my belt for having kept at this web log since 3/1/09. That's 18 months, plus change, and I have to say I'm still as energized as before when it comes to sharing my thoughts, passions and foibles. While it's revealing and at times amusing to look back and see what moved me to write about this or that, nothing has been more gratifying than the comments left by assorted followers and other readers. Though I'd welcome even more conversation, I realize we all have limits on our time. So thanks, everyone, for reading and occasionally writing back.

Meanwhile, what have I gotten from this ongoing exercise?

First and most obvious, this is one heck of a good way to maintain an electronic diary. Key dates, events and photos will always be here and I can revisit those moments of insight, self-revelation and occasional epiphany.

Second, I've always had a fascination with numbers -- not in a math wizard kind of way, but maybe just as an aid in keeping track of things. For instance:
-- I keep an exercise log of when and where I've run, including time and distance; how often I've swum and how many laps; and other physical activity.
-- I care about my score when I bowl or play golf, though I don't go ballistic when things go badly. It's a matter of competing against myself.
-- I notice round numbers -- on my car's odometer, on my iTunes library, in my checkbook register, on my runner's stopwatch, etc. -- so, naturally, I'd notice a milestone number with my blog posts.

I know, it sounds nerdy, but maybe that's the third takeaway from this blog: I publicly reveal aspects of my personality and interests, quirky and otherwise. I admit to guilty pleasures, doubts, regrets and insecurities -- but I also try to celebrate new experiences, favorite performing artists and significant events in the lives of La Familia Rede.

It's been a fun ride so far. As your time and interest allow, I invite you to join me for the next 400 posts.

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