Saturday, February 19, 2011

Censored News top stories Feb. 19, 2011

In the news:
Native American Youth walkers, Mohawk Nation News, Subcomandante Marcos, Wikileaks and Native Music
By Brenda Norrell
Censored News
Photo by Christina Akaquiqui/Long Walk 3 in Oregon
This week Censored News celebrates Native American youths walking and running through the snow-packed mountains of Oregon, as they begin the Longest Walk 3 northern route across America, for the reversal of diabetes. Censored News also welcomes the return of the voices of Kahentinetha Horn of Mohawk Nation News, and the Zapatistas Subcomandante Marcos.
Censored News welcomes readers in Madagascar. Censored News readers have been from 195 countries, in the past six months.
Here's this week's top stories, most accessed, at Censored News:
Three Native Youths Read to Walk Across America
American Indian Music Celebrated during Grammy Week
New at Censored News:
Mohawk Nation News: Imperial Fangs and Claws: International Bankers Monetize our Assets
Videos, photos and interviews from the Longest Walk 3 northern route youths, and photos from the southern route at Censored News.

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