Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Easter Island: Rapa Nui surrounded by Chilean Troops

Aloha to our families and friends
The battle being fought by our Polynesian brothers and sisters on Rapa Nui (Easter Island) continues

On Tuesday, February 8, 2011, the Hitorangi Clan will be violently evicted and criminalized for the occupation of their
ancestral lands.

Heavily armed Chilean troops have surrounded the Hanga Roa Hotel where the families have housed themselves and the troops are keeping anyone from entering or leaving; the Clan has no communication with their families or attorneys.

Our goal and urgent request is to raise $6,000 by FEBRUARY 5TH. Even the smallest amounts of donations are desperately needed; $10, $20, etc. all of which will go to help cover the legal fees of the Hitorangi Clan; the cost to cover filing fees, attorney travel costs to and from the island to the mainland, etc. All other legal fees are being providde pro bono by the
Indian Law Center. You can make your donation by going to the website at The Indian Law Center has provided access through their 501(c)(3) nonprofit status to
accept donations to pay for the lawyers; when donating, please donate "in honor of Rapanui;" it is entirely tax deductible.
There is no applicable court system on Rapa Nui to hear this kind of case so the costs to travel back and forth between the island and the mainland (continental Chile) is mounting. We are urgently seeking your support and the support of your networks as the battle is ongoing.
Time is of the essence. Our 'ohana on Rapa Nui needs our help . Your donation will assure the safety and legal protection of the removal of the Hitorangi Clan from their rightful occupation of their home and ensure the protection of the Rapa Nui people from the heavy-handed assault by Chilean troops on an unarmed population. It will help to prevent their culture and people from being lost forever.
Please visit the website for updated information which is posted as it is received. There you will be able to view a video of the attacks being harbored against the people of Rapa Nui and other information relative to the plight of the Rapa Nui people. The need is urgent; we are LESS THAN A WEEK AWAY from the FEBRUARY 8TH eviction proceedings. Please help to get the message out. Your support is greatly appreciated.
Auntie Sharon
He Hawai'i Au Mau A Mau
Sharon Ku'uipo Kana'e-Paulo
Commission Executive Assistant
City of Los Angeles DCA Board of Commissioners
201 North Figueroa Street, Suite 1400
Los Angeles CA 90012

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