Friday, April 1, 2011

A new month, a new look

It's time to turn the calendar to another page. And in doing so, I'd like to call attention to a new feature on Rough and Rede.

I've finally added My Blog List, a half-dozen blogs written by friends scattered all over, from here in the Portland area and the San Juan Islands to Chicago, Cincinnati and New York City, plus a link to my favorite general-interest publication, Esquire.

The blogosphere has its pros and cons, for sure, but I love being able to connect with people so easily and dip my toes into such eclectic waters.

Whether you're a writer, an educator, a foodie or whatever, take some time to browse these blogs. You may find something you like, in which case you can continue building the online community through leaving comments or becoming a follower yourself.

Related question: What do YOU like to read? Leave a comment listing up to five of your favorite blogs and I'll compile them into a single post.

In the meantime, enjoy the music video, appropriately titled for the first day of April.

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