Sunday, December 6, 2009

Prayer Ceremony at Crow Creek Sioux Land

Information on Prayer Ceremony, "Hemblaca" & location of Camp for Ceremony

By now, you have read that IRS auctioned off 7100 acres of land owned by the Crow Creek Farm, a Corporation under the Crow Creek Sioux Tribe. IRS sold the land to pay for employment taxes unpaid by the Tribe after the Tribe was informed by a BIA official (erroneous advice) that they did not have to pay taxes because the Tribe was a federally recognized sovereign nation.. The Tribe was negotiating a loan at the time IRS auctioned the land.

Chairman Brandon Sazue and the Tribe are setting up Camp on the Land and Chairman Sazue will "Hemblaca" (Fast and Pray) for "as long as it takes!"

I am receiving many e-mails from people who wish to help. In case you wish to travel to Crow Creek to Pray and support the Crow Creek Sioux, the location is below.

Chairman Sazue states: "I am now marking the spot,"SIOUX LAND IS NOT FOR SALE", 2 miles west of the CrowCreek High school ( HWY 34 )." The land is located North of Ft.Thompson, on highway 34, west of Stephan ( CrowCreek High School ). Between Stephan and the BigBend District.Maybe 5 or so miles west of Stephan on highway 34.

It is Winter and the Temperature in central SD is bitterly cold with expected highs around 0 to 5 degrees only. The wind can blow on the Prairie, creating even more extreme severe cold. Those who enter into Hemblaca (Prayer offering and sacrifice) will give all that they have to the Creator, for the land is not for sale. The Tribe has no money or riches to give to the Creator, just themselves to offer. The Crow Creek reservation is on the poorest County in the United States. How does one explain the true meaning of what our land where our ancestors lay, means to us as Sioux People? In this day of greed ("wasinicu" takes the fat!) and the Me generation, there is no way to relate our feeling for our land Your Prayers are appreciated.

Please join in Prayer!
A. Gay Kingman
December 7, 2009
Dear Brothers and Sisters;
Recently, the IRS has seized and auctioned 7100 acres of our prime development land on the Crow Creek Reservation. We have tried to raise funds for months to save our land. Unfortunately, we were unsuccessful. We have tried to stop them from auctioning off our land through the justice system, however justice did not prevail.

It is no secret that Buffalo County is the poorest county in the nation and that 78% of the people on our reservation live far below the poverty line; this is why we are reaching out to our Native Brothers and Sisters. Only you know the importance of retaining our land base.

Recently, we were granted a trial for a judge to decide whether or not we should be allowed to keep this property, which they already sold to a non-Indian. This allows us 120 days to raise 4 million dollars to purchase our land back and clear up the levy that the IRS ($600,000) has on the property.

Any financial assistance that you could give to us would be greatly appreciated. We have set up an account at Wells Fargo in Chamberlain, South Dakota and all donations are tax deductible. The bank can be contacted at 605-734-6001 or contact Leroy Bear Thompson at 605-245-2304. Your kindness and generosity is greatly appreciated.

Contact: Wells Fargo Bank
Attn: Cindy Adams
201 S Main
Chamberlain, SD 57325
Account Name: Save CCST Lands Fund
Account Number: 9917827345
Contact: Cindy Adams 605-734-6001
Contact: Leroy Thompson, Jr. 605-245-2304 or 605-730-0091

Brandon Sazue, Chairman
Crow Creek Sioux Tribe

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