Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Finding common ground below ground

What motivates you more, fear or love?
Do you believe in government?
What is the meaning of life?
This thought-provoking video, posing these and other questions, came my way last week, courtesy of a friend's Tweet referencing the blog of film critic Roger Ebert.

I spent a few minutes composing my own introduction to the piece, but I realized this is an instance where providing a link to my friend Yvette's post is the best thing to do. So...

If you can make time for a 13-minute video, you'll be amply rewarded. If you've never been on the New York City subway system, this'll put you there. And if you have, it'll look and sound very familiar. Either way, this glimpse into what binds us is bound to make you feel a little better about this diverse, often divided, country of ours.

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