Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Honoring Mother Earth Everyday: Indigenous sustainable communities

Honoring Mother Earth Everyday

Indigenous Models and Practices for Sustainable Communities
Censored News
Photo Louise Benally, Navajo Big Mountain, by Brenda Norrell
April 22-24, 2011
Join Woodbine Ecology Center during Mother Earth Day weekend for a participatory conference exploring indigenous models for sustainable communities.
Guest panelists include:
-Winona LaDuke, Anishinaabe activist, author, founder of White Earth Land Recovery Project and Indigenous Women's Network.
-Gregory Cajete, Tewa professor and author of several books, including Native Science and A People's Ecology.
-Louise Benally, Dine' traditional activist from Big Mountain and health educator.
--David Bartecchi, Executive Director of Village Earth, program director for Lakota Lands Recovery Project, trainer, organizer.
-Other local and regional community leaders.
Learn — Connect — Participate — Regenerate
Food security and sovereignty; Ecological health and healing; Land struggles; Our common environment; Indigenous permaculture; Community action
Be a part of the conversation. Engage in action. Reclaim our future.
For more information, fees, and to register go to www.woodbinecenter.org/HME2011
 or call 303.380.7984.
Center Location: 2584 N. State Hwy 67

Sedalia, Colorado 80135

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