Saturday, January 30, 2010

Back to normal in Texas

Our hopes were raised earlier this month when Jordan left for North Carolina and the first phase of what he hoped would land him a spot in the advanced training program for the U.S. Army's Special Forces.

Alas, he didn't make it. In short, it was the loss of certain equipment he needed to complete a field exercise rather than the punishing physical challenges that doomed his chances. It's too complicated to explain here, but suffice to say that any points lost early on are difficult to make up later -- and then there is no guarantee that just completing the three-week course gets you in.

We're awfully proud of him, though. Without exception, everyone who has learned that he was even trying to get in has expressed admiration for his resolve and ambition. Typically, it takes multiple attempts to qualify for the training so there's no shame in not making the cut the first time. A couple of Army guys we know say that to make it on your first try is the equivalent of landing on the the U.S. Olympic Team the first time you try. Jordan assures us he'll give it another go.

In the meantime, Lori returned late Monday from a whirlwind weekend trip to visit Jamie. They had a great time exploring El Paso (if you're a Portlander, think 82nd Avenue repeated every mile or so) together and getting caught up with each other. Lori says they found a nice apartment off base and Jamie is making friends and getting involved in different groups, so that's good to hear.

Lori returned with a new pair of cowboy boots and that should come as no surprise to those of you who know her love of footwear. "It was a great deal," she told me. "A discount I couldn't pass up."

Reminds me of the postcard she has on the refrigerator door up at the cabin" "If the boot fits, wear it!" **

** I stand corrected. "If the boot fits, buy it in every color!"

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