Friday, January 22, 2010

Headed to El Paso

No, not me. My wife.

With Jordan in North Carolina, completing week No. 2 of a three-week training camp that he hopes will lead to a spot in Special Forces, now seems a good time for Lori to go visit Jamie and get a glimpse of life on and near an Army base.

Later this morning, I will take her to the airport and she will visit our daughter-in-law through the weekend, returning late Monday. Except for a layover in Houston enroute to Oaxaca four years ago, this will be Lori's first time in the Republic of Texas.

I've been to El Paso a couple times before. It's about the same size as Portland but different in just about every way -- geography, climate, demographics, politics, economy, etc. It's home to Fort Bliss, which I just learned is the Army's second-largest installation behinid the White Sands Missile Range in neighboring New Mexico.

Don't know just exactly what the two Oregon ladies will do, but I'm sure they'll have fun just being in each other's company. As for me, I'll take advantage of the long weekend to freshen up my materials for the class ("Opinion and the Blogosphere") that I'll be teaching a couple weeks from now at Portland State.

Photo by Nima Kasraie, who's originally from Iran. (The things you learn with a click of a mouse continue to amaze me. Look for yourself.)

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