Monday, January 18, 2010

Bush Formula for Genocide in Disaster

Bush Formula in Disaster: Deprivation, militarization and genocide

By Brenda Norrell
Censored News
Photo: Obama appoints Bill Clinton and George W. Bush to head Haiti Relief Team

Updated Jan. 19, 2010
Martin Luther King, Jr., stood for justice and truth in the face of tyranny and oppression. Today, we remember and honor him.
President Obama's appointment of George W. Bush to lead the Haiti relief, with Bill Clinton, should sound an alarm.
During the aftermath of Hurricane Katrina, Bush established this pattern, now being carried out in Haiti: Deprive the people of food and water and militarize the zone. As people become more desperate, continue the genocide of people of color with force by the military and assassins like Blackwater/XE. Steal as much land as possible. Permanently displace as many people of color as possible and separate children from their families. Funnel money into private contractors and partner with corrupt politicians. All along, coop the media and deceive the public.
The US is now planning to send Haiti refugees to Guantanamo.
The Red Cross delivered no aid to Houma Indians during Katrina
It is important to remember that during Hurricane Katrina relief, that American Indian Nations donated millions of dollars to the Red Cross, to help Indians hard hit. The Houma Indians in southern Louisiana, the largest group of Native Americans devastated, did not receive a penny of aid from the American Red Cross, according to Houma Nation Chairperson Brenda Dardar Robichaux. It was private citizens and stores that did come to the Houmas aid.
On the other hand, the International Red Cross should be recognized for documenting the US military's torture of detainees in Iraq, as revealed in federal court in Tucson, during the trial of two priests, Franciscan Fr. Louie Vitale and Jesuit Fr. Steve Kelly, who stepped across the line at Fort Huachuca Army Intelligence Center in southern Arizona. Vitale and Kelly knelt in prayer to draw attention to Fort Huachuca's role in the US torture in Iraq and Afghanistan. --Censored News
In the news:
Wall Street Journal: General to Head US Relief in Haiti
Wall Street Journal - Yochi J. Dreazen - ‎Jan 14, 2010‎
President Barack Obama named former presidents George W. Bush and Bill Clinton to serve as co-chairs of the US relief efforts in Haiti. ...
WASHINGTON–The Pentagon appointed a three-star general to head the rapidly expanding U.S. military relief effort in Haiti, which is shaping up to be one of the biggest—and most challenging—American humanitarian missions in years. Lt. Gen. P. K. Keen, the deputy director of the military's Southern Command, has been tapped to lead a new joint task force devoted to Haiti. Gen. Keen, who is already in the country, will be charged with managing the half-dozen large ships and roughly 8,000 military personnel who will soon be in or near Haiti, which was devastated by a 7.0-magnitude earthquake that may have killed tens of thousands of people.
President Barack Obama named former presidents George W. Bush and Bill Clinton to serve as co-chairs of the U.S. relief efforts in Haiti.
U.S. Special Operations forces managed to reopen Haiti's airport to round-the-clock relief flights, and an assessment team from the Air Force arrived at the airport Thursday afternoon to further expand its operations.
Read article:
Democracy Now: Bush destroyed Haiti's democracy:

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