Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Broken Taco Shells

Don't ask how or where the name came from, but that's what we're calling ourselves in the Fat Tire Bowling League on Tuesday nights.

Last night was Week No. 2 and the other team was a no-show. I still haven't figured out exactly how you calculate a handicap, but evidently our scratch (or raw) scores were good enough to rack up four wins -- one for each of three games plus the total pinfall.

I told myself I wouldn't post my scores here but ... I rolled a personal best last night with a 211 in the third and final game. It was shocking how the strikes kept coming -- at one point, three in a row, followed by a spare, then two more strikes and another spare to finish.

We missed our teammate Erin Payton (away on a business trip) but her friend and neighbor, Beth Reeves, filled in admirably, Steve Kern (who missed last week on a trip of his own) was there for the first time, replacing his wife, Kelly, who had subbed for him last Tuesday.

And then there was Colleen Sorensen, who matched my score in the second game (144) and helped set a loose, fun tone for the evening.

Next week Steve will be gone, so it will be back to George and his Irish lassies -- Erin, Kelly and Colleen.

About the name ... Nathan suggested it at breakfast a couple weeks ago when we were fishing around for something catchy. Actually, I think he said, "Broken Tacos," but I added "Shells."

OK, I realize this post had about as much nutritional value as a marshmallow. So be it. How else was I going to say I'd finally broken 200 in a single game?

Photo: Los Angeles Daily News

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