Sunday, March 1, 2009

Care and feeding

Nine hours later and I'm back at it. This is good. Forgive my talking out loud (at this point, talking only to myself), but this blog will only succeed if I hold myself accountable. That means:
1. Establish the habit. I hereby pledge to give at least 5 minutes a day to Rough and Rede. If that means rising even earlier (I'm already up most days by 6 a.m. to run or swim), so be it. I think I can handle 5:30. But...that means getting to bed earlier each night, too.
2. Make it worthwhile. As I toss around ideas for initial posts, I need to remind myself to keep it simple. No use in fantasizing about how this blog might look someday if I don't offer something nutritious -- i.e., intelligent (and maybe even counterintuitive) comments on my life, my neighborhood, my city, my world.
3. Reveal myself. That doesn't mean I intend for this blog to be nothing more than an exercise in navel-gazing. By definition, I suppose there's an element of that. But what I'm aiming for is to choose topics and offer thoughts that over time reflect my values, politics and personality. By nature, I'm more the observer than the doer; more the analyst than the participant; more the team than the leader. So here goes...I'm stepping out on the proverbial limb. Catch me if I fall.

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