Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Indigenous Peoples object to UN carbon scam report

TO: Angela Cropper
Assistant Secretary-General and Deputy Executive Director for the United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP)
c/c Nick Nuttall
Spokesperson / Head of Media, Office of the Executive Director United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP)
c/c Charles Mc Neill, UN-REDD, UNDP

Dear Angela Cropper
The UN News Center reports that you said that Indigenous Peoples are dedicated to reach consensus on the UN-REDD programme. We are a global network of Indigenous Peoples and strongly object to this statement, as it implies that Indigenous Peoples have a positive stand towards REDD.

In fact, the Indigenous Peoples decade long struggle to keep forest out of the carbon market is well documented.

Please find attached the pdf file with excerpt quotes of the official opposition of the Global Indigenous Caucus at the UNFCCC negotiations regarding REDD and in general against market based solutions to address climate change.

Please also watch the video of the 2nd May Protest at the UNPFII 2008, held by Indigenous Peoples, who where outraged that the UNPFII Climate Report endorsed REDD and CDMs against their consent. Viewing prior the PFII draft report, the Global Caucus representing over 2000 Indigenous participants and their constituencies back home demanded that the UNPFII must remove those two endorsing paragraphs, which unfortunately was not taken into account by the Forum. For the record,and your fullest information - kindly also watch the VIDEO of PROTEST at the PFII:
Earth Peoples

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