Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Mohawk Nation News: Confused Haudenosaunee to issue illegal ID cards



March 10, 2009. As usual the immigrants to Onowaregeh, Turtle Island, want to dictate to us. The Indigenous collaborators continue to get pocket change to sell us out to their “swamis”. Who’s law does this colonial ID card come under to give us permission to pass over the “imaginary line” known as the Canada-U.S. border? They want to take away our birth right and give us a privilege.

We’ve been on Onowaregeh since time immemorial. We never gave these invading squatters any right to dictate how we shall relate to each other or traverse our territories. It violates the Kaianerehkowa, Great Law of Peace, our law, the Two Row Wampum, the U.S. Constitution and international law. Who’s going to enforce this illegal pass system? A combined force of Canadian, U.S. and Mexican “death squads”!! The law of the gun does not make their schemes legitimate.

The Two Row Wampum between us and the U.S. and Canada does not allow their selected flunkies to act on our behalf.

Wampum #58 provides that those who knowingly violating the People and the Great Law may be charged with “conspiracy” and “espionage”. They are working with a foreign entity to dissolve and destroy the title and birthright of the Six Nation Iroquois Confederacy. These colonists of “Indian” descent follow foreign laws, including the U.S. Federal Indian Law and Canada’s Indian Act. They cannot enter into any agreements or contracts for any of our rights with any private corporations or foreign entities of these transients who roved onto our land.

These persons must leave the council, the nation and the league and forfeit their birthright. They are no longer in but out of the League. They are called “they have alienated themselves” [Tehonnatonkoton].

On January 1, 2009 U.S. Customs and Border Protection CBP got new instructions on how to force their will on us. These newcomers made up this new “informed compliance” policy all by themselves. They know they need a surrender of our sovereignty by our nations to impose it. They have to consult us, the owners of the land they are divvying up. Even our Red ID Card issued by our nations for decades is being hijacked. Without our permission the CBP decreed that our cards will be accepted until at least June 1, 2009. They have no right to dictate anything to us. If we have a problem, we’re supposed to call Cherri Morris of CBP in Washington DC at 202-344-3325.

In late 2008 the CBP handed out templates of ‘their’ ID cards to the “tribe” and “Nation” councils of their “Indians”. They have colonial incestuous “government-to-government” relations with each other. This whole “con” does not apply to the true Ongwehonwe.

Our agreements with the U.S. and Canada are “nation-to-nation”, a relationship of equals. We can only deal directly with the U.S. President and the Governor General of Canada as the colonial representatives of the two colonies. They have no authority over us or our land because we never surrendered anything to anybody. Their jurisdiction is limited to their subjects and their “Indians” who are U.S. or Canadian citizens. The rest of us never gave up our sovereignty and remain free and independent. We and our children cannot carry these cards.

The Onondaga Nation of New York State Inc. that Washington is dealing with is a federal and state incorporated entity headed by “faithkeeper”, Oren Lyons. They had secret discussions on the draft template with their colonial big cheese, the CBP in Washington. These cards are going to be used by those tribal or band council marionettes who dance to the tune of their colonial maestros. They stuck a feather on the card and called it “Indian”. Don’t be fooled. It’s still a fraud, deceptive and illegal.

The U.S. needs a major commitment from each of our nations to go ahead. The illegal cards will be tested for 4 to 6 months to design a tactic to ram it down our throats. These Haudenosaunee colluders made a deal with the German company, Siemens, to produce the cards. A building with an application office and staff is being installed to herd us into the “ovens” where they will tattoo or nuke us!

There is fear mongering of our people to shove their wallpaper on us. The border goons are being trained to say our Red Card is obsolete and that we have to submit to them “reeal sooon”. It ain’t gonna fly ‘cause it ain’t legal! Ever wonder why these border flunkies have been intimidating, harassing, beating us up and trying to rape and kill us at the border, especially at the Cornwall-Massena checkpoint? A lot of laws are being broken. We can’t get any answers from anyone. No meetings or information are being given out. We and our supporters better start filing objections to the President of the U.S., the Governor General of Canada, the Queen who runs both corporations [U.S. and Canada], the CBP, and whoever else. Who’s making these illegal deals to sell out our sovereignty? What have they agreed to?

No one shall separate us or weaken us. These quislings knowingly work against us and our future generations. Hey, colonial vagrants and your agents, no one has any authority to function on behalf of the Rotinno’shonni:onwe. We are going to resist this latest desperate genocidal corralment plan.

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Contact the following contagions: Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II, Buckingham Palace, London, SQ1A UK; President Barack Obama, The White House, 1600 Pennsylvania Ave NW, Washington, DC 20500, Comments: 202-456-1111, Switchboard: 202-456-1414
FAX: 202-456-2461; The Governor General of Canada, M. Michaelle Jean, 1 Rideau Drive, Ottawa; Alain Jolicoeur, President, CBSA, Ottawa, ON K1A 0L8, 613-952-3200, 613-957-0612; General inquiries; Lance Markell, District Director,
Northern Office – Customs, St. Laurent Blvd., Ottawa Ont. K1G 4K3, CBSA 613-930-3234, 613-991-1214, General inquiries; Secretary Janet Napolitano, Department of Homeland Security, U.S. Department of Homeland Security, Washington, DC 20528, Operator Number: 202-282-8000, Comment Line: 202-282-8495, Jayson P. Ahern,
A/Commissioner, U.S. Customs, 1300 Pennsylvania Avenue, N.W., Washington, D.C. 20229
Chief Counsel (202) 344-2990; Marco A. Lopez, Jr., Chief of Staff, U.S. Customs, 1300 Pennsylvania Avenue, N.W., Washington, D.C. 20229; Prime Minister Stephen Harper; House of Commons, Ottawa,; Hon. Stockwell Day, Minister of Public Safety, House of Commons, Ottawa; Hon. Robert Douglas Nicholson, Minister of Justice and
Attorney General of Canada, 284 Wellington St., Ottawa, ON K1A 0H8; Attorney General of Ontario, 720 Bay St., 4th Floor, Toronto, ON M5G 2K1; Hon. Yvon Marcoux, Minister of Justice and A.G.O., Louis-Phillipe-Pigeon Bldg., 1200 Rue d l'Eglise, 9th Floor, St. Foy G1V 4M1; Hon. Chuck Strahl, Minister of Indian Affairs, 10 Wellington St., Hull, Que. K1A 0H4; Premier Dalton McGuinty, Province of Ontario, Queens Park, Toronto ON;
Premier Charest, Province of Quebec, Legislature, Quebec City; British High Commission, 80 Elgin St., Ottawa, ON K1P 5K7; Canadian Human Rights Commission, 344 Slater St., 8th Floor
Ottawa, ON K1A 1E1; United Nations, 405 E 42nd Street, New York, NY 10017; The Hague, Anna Paulownastraat, 103, 251 BBC, The Netherlands; Coalition for the International Criminal Court, c/o WFM, 708 3rd Ave., 24th Floor, New York, NY 10017

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