Sunday, March 1, 2009

Getting started

It's about time...I'm going to teach a weekend seminar on "Opinion and the Blogosphere." Shouldn't I have a blog of my own? Even one that has more bones than skin? It's about time...It's after 1 in the morning, that transition time between Saturday night and Sunday morning. I find I do some of my clearest thinking and clearest writing in the wee hours. Fewer distractions that way. It's about time...How will I sustain this? I'm already on Facebook; don't wanna do MySpace. I'm online every day, much of the day, owing to my job as editor of the Sunday Opinion section at The Oregonian. It's about time...It's about getting started, as the title of this post says. Choose an image: dive in, dip your toes in the water, take the first step, just do it. So I'm doing it. I have no illusions about this, by the way. Just one guy on the Left Coast laying the first brick of what I hope will be good for the soul, good for the mind. Welcome, friends and new readers.

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